basic income survey

Read the stories of THOUSANDS of people from across the uk - 17,000+ survey responses, asking how a UBI would affect their lives.

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Our interactive map shows over 17,000 stories gathered by Basic Income Conversation, Organise and the UBI Lab Network documenting why the UK needs a Basic Income and what people would do with it.

To view a story, zoom in and click on a location marker. The story will appear in the top left corner of the map.


Download a high-resolution image of the map

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Due to the complexity of the map it may take a while to load.

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How do you think your life at work would be different if you received a UBI every month?

- Organise question

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What you would do differently with UBI?

- Basic Income Conversation question

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UBI Lab locations

See a full list of all the UBI Labs.