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Peace of Mind: Exploring Universal Basic Income’s Potential to Improve Mental Health

READ HERE - Article by Catherine Anderson

A newly launched project is seeking to examine the role Basic Income (BI) could play in improving recipients’ mental wellbeing.

Peace of Mind: Exploring Universal Basic Income’s Potential to Improve Mental Health is being led by Basic Income Network Scotland chair Mike Danson and the University of Strathclyde’s Matt Smith.

Funded by the Scottish Universities Insight Institute (SUII), the project aims to assess BI’s potential role in achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of eliminating poverty and achieving good health and wellbeing. 

“In supporting and arguing for the many benefits of a Basic Income we have been acutely aware of the concerns and worries of many groups representing and advocating for those with long term conditions and disabilities, including poor mental health,” said Professor Danson.