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ePetition details - A Basic Income trial for Brighton and Hove

READ HERE - Petition started by Maggie Gordon-Walker

We the undersigned petition Brighton & Hove Council to to support a basic income trial in the city and to write to the government to request that they look into the feasibility of a pilot in Brighton. We understand that not all councillors may have looked into this subject and so in this petition we are asking that: • The petition is presented at full council and that councillors have time to debate the issue • The council considers joining the councils in Sheffield, Liverpool and Hull in backing the idea of a basic income trial in the city and votes whether to support the proposal • The council writes to the government in support of a basic income trial in Brighton and Hove

There have been a number of local groups in the UK that have formed over the past few years all with the aim of promoting the idea of basic income such as the UBI Labs in the North of England (Sheffield, Leeds, Liverpool, Kirklees etc.). We, Basic Income South East, have recently formed to continue the movement but with a focus on the South East of England, starting with Brighton and Hove.